Hello Friends!

I hope that everyone is well. The year has surely flown by and here we are, enjoying the autumn season, with all the beautiful colors to dazzle our eyes.

We usually put out a song on the 26th of every month but today we just want to give you an update as to why we won’t be releasing a song until next month. My grandfather has been battling a severe illness and we made a two week visit to Massachusetts to spend some time with him. As of late he has been in and out of the hospital. This amongst other things has caused some delays in our production schedule. We solicit your prayers for my grandfather, Rui Rodrigues.

Also, we have been getting a lot of feedback from those that have been blessed by the music ministry and want to thank you all for sharing the music and learning the songs. It’s great to see God’s words being memorized by children and adults alike.

The next song we are planning to release is entitled, “Not Unto Us”, taken from Psalm 115:1-3 and 113:1-2. It is an inspiring song about how God deserves all the glory and praise from us no matter what we do. The bible says,  “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31 KJV). We certainly don’t ever want to take the Glory that is rightly to be attributed to God. Let us be careful to always praise God for his marvelous works.

Do you want to help support our music ministry? We would really be blessed by having a studio desk to help save space and make our productions more streamlined, efficient and ergonomic. Help by donating today, as the Lord would impress you. We thank you in advance for your generosity. https://gleamsofglory.com/donations/.

Lastly, we would appreciate your help in reaching 100 subscribers so we can get a custom YouTube URL. If you haven’t already subscribed to our YouTube channel please click the link below to subscribe and share our YouTube channel with your family and friends.

Thank you and God Bless!